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Swivel Hooks Are They Even Useful in Any Way

A swivel hook is basically a rigging device used to position any cargo or swiveling under loads to accommodate twisting and load movement. These are critical in situations where chances are that the cargo would spin or sway. The load usually spins when a wire rope is used to lift it, or it may also…

Shackles that are most commonly used in the industries

Shackles are the fasteners that make stronger connections for a number of applications. These shackles are perfect for lifting slings and towing the ropes. Moreover, one can find a vast range of these shackles in the market as they are categorized into several types. Some of its types are discussed here. Bow Shackles The bow…

What are Different Types of Swivel Hooks?

The swivel hooks are used for picking the loads, positioning of loads, and also allows for its spinning. This rigging equipment is used in different crane companies and a number of industries. This implement is apt for both indoor and outdoor applications. They can withstand the outdoor winds as well as be considered the safest…


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